Observatory is delivered together with manufacturing of bearing structures at the customer’s site with complete installation on a turnkey basis. It is equipped with everything need for operation with user inside (not remote control).
Bearing structures of the platform for observatory installation. Investigation and design are required for manufacturing of bearing structures or equipping of the existing bearing structures, for observatory installation.
Dome with bearing walls with drives, motors and control system.
Customized interior finish.
Standard external balcony and railings around the dome for maintenance.
Air-conditioning system.
Heating system in storage mode for preservation of electronic components at negative temperatures.
YARUS-TECH creates observatories for schools, universities, for amateurs, for professionals.
Unique aluminium observatory domes with interior finish of basic level (observatories for schools and universities), as well as private observatories of top level (with individual finish). Installation of domes and equipping with telescopes and equipment from leading world manufacturers on a turnkey basis.