School observatory

Children need a dream. Not a new model of telephone, not an access to the internet, not a brand dress. Dream is a way, outlook, it is understanding of the world immensity, it is the seeing beyond the routine.

We offer:


We produce unique school observatories with dome diameter from 2.5 to 7.0 m with interior finish.

The main principle, on which we base the design of the school observatory, is openness and availability of observations. Observatory shall not be only for the elite. Every child shall see the space!

That’s why:

1) Our domes are spacious and comfortable.

10-12 people and 2 telescopes can be freely arranged under 5 m dome.

2) We provide the possibility to transmit the observation sessions to the internet. That is the observatory remote control and astronomic observations via monitors in case of signal transmission to the web-site of YOUR SCHOOL OBSERVATORY.



Everyone can watch the stars online or make photos via the internet. Your own observatory will allow schoolchildren of your city (and via the internet schoolchildren of the whole Russia) to watch stars and solar prominences. It is possible to prepare an observation schedule, as a television program, and everyone will be able to watch space events and COMMUNICATE.


Our goal:


We strive to unite school observatories located around Russia in different time zones from Kamchatka to Kaliningrad (and these are 11 time zones!) in a single network. And then there is a real possibility for schoolchildren at lessons of Astronomy in Vladivostok to watch the sky of stars in Krasnodar via the internet, and for schoolchildren in Saint Petersburg to watch the sky of stars of Yakutia in the afternoon.  This Internet resource will also be interesting for children of CIS and countries of the far abroad.


We work closely with Russian Academy of Sciences Institute of Astronomy. At present agreements were achieved concerning the creating of educational programs package specifically for school with observatories by the Institute specialists.

Do you have any questions? We will answer with pleasure!

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