Client Support and Maintenance

 Yarus-tech Client Support performs information technical support of users of YT observatories on the whole territory of Russia and CIS states.

We welcome the desire of clients to call us and pay great attention to each question, offer, opinion, whether it is constructive feedback or acknowledgements. 

We continuously improve quality of observatories, systems and services by analyzing opinions of our clients and quick and tactful response to their inquiries. 

Call Yarus-tech Client Support and you can ask any questions, express your opinion about the observatory and work of official dealers.

We welcome your calls to YT Client Support by telephone in Saint Petersburg:


Technical maintenance (TM) is performed once or twice a year depending on actual operating conditions and the region climatic conditions.

Maintenance is performed:

1. Annual seasonal (preparation for winter, preparation for summer) - TM1
2. Once in 3 years - TM2
3. Once in 5 years - TM3

Approximate work scope:

TM1: changing oil in drive gearboxes, visual inspection and, if necessary, cleaning of dome slide assemblies, shutter from dust, pollen, natural dirt. Test of all systems, if necessary, calibration and adjustment. Visual inspection of cover coating quality. Inspection of bearing structures and attachments.

TM2: inspection and maintenance of all mechanic and electronic components.

TM3: replacement of electronic components of dome control systems, replacement of sealing elements on cover plates and shutters. Inspection of supporting frame condition. Replacement of motors with new ones. 

Any TM can be performed by owner request.

The maintenance is performed by YT personnel or official dealer at agreed time at the owner’s site irrespective of the observatory geographic location. 

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