Observatory towers 

tower of observatory 7 Yarus-tech

The following main parameters of towers are singled out: tower height, limitations concerning foundations, dome diameter, vibration limitations. The observatory tower design is developed on the basis of these parameters. The towers can be of both column type and wall-type (bearing walls from brick or reinforced concrete around the perimeter). Each type has its own advantages and drawbacks.

Tower height. It is determined by the necessity to move out the telescope beyond the adjacent buildings and/or trees as well as to reduce the dewfall on the optics from ground fogs.

Limitations concerning foundations. The criterion is mainly connected with bearing capacity of soil and tower height.

Dome diameter. It determines dimensions of top carrying tower platform and is correspondingly the starting point for design of the whole tower structure.

Vibration limitations. The factor influences the tower structural solutions. Vibration requirements of astronomers depend on the tasks they solve. This requirement is the most important for professional long distance astrophotography.

Yarus-tech designs and builds observatory towers for domes of any diameter on a turnkey basis.

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