How to control observatory? Long-term study of the subject during observatory design has revealed a serious problem on the market: a halo of a very sophisticated product was created around telescopes and observatories. We tried to formulate the right image in the following phrase: “There is an infinitude of starts and it is joy to WATCH them! It is EASY to use the telescope! IT is aligned by itself” (Note: to “watch”, but not to study and not to compete in astrophotography with professionals; to watch and make photos for YOURSELF, for your own pleasure. When developing the observatory concept we focused on non-professional users and wealthy people, who are consequently very busy and have little spare time for studying complex control systems. As a result we have develop a solution with simple commands: button “open”, button “close”, button to turn the dome to the “right” or “left”. The fact that the user does not even think about the dome after staring the system in the second obserfvatory automatization solution. The user simply focuses on the telescope control and the dome tracks the telescope position by itself. In case of remote control the dome receives weather information and data on precipitaion or cloudiness. In case of unfavorable weather conditions the dome will inform the owner and will not allow to open shutters when it is raining or snowing to save the expensive equipment. The third automation stage is complete observatory control from common notebook, iPad or even frmo iPhone or from Android smartphones. You can imagine how huge observatory weighing 2.5 tons, located at a distance of tens or hundreds of kilometres, easily performs any command and sends a new photo of the starry sky to your e-mail in -30 minutes. And this observatory is YOURS! Please note that our observatories are not targeted at professional astronomers regarding control (!). These solutions may seem "useless" or "unnecessary” to them. We focus on people who have minimum time to touch the stars and enjoy it. The equipment of OUR observatories is one of the best because we manufacture them with the complete their professional equipment and telescopes from the best manufacturers in the world.